


투자 단계
투자 규모
Y Combinator
Accel 외 7곳
Series A
Index Ventures 외 4곳
Series B
Founders Fund 외 9곳
Series C
Tiger Global Management 외 1곳
Series D
Tiger Global Management 외 9곳
Series E

회사 소개 (3줄 요약)

여러 회사들이 AI를 도입할 때 필요한 solution을 제공하는 회사.
초기 시작은 data labeling provider로 시작하였고, 현재는 이외에도 모델 학습, 디버깅, 관리 등 전반적인 자문도 함.
2021부터 유니콘 기업 (기업 가치 9조 이상)
다양한 domain의 data labeling pipeline 보유: LiDAR, video, image 등.
협력회사: OpenAI, Lyft, Pinterest, Airbnb, US Air Force, …

비즈니스 모델

B2B AI service 자문, 개발 등


도메인 별로 solution이 굉장히 많고, 홈피에 각각 demo가 있음.
더 자세한 사항은 TransformX 2022 Keynote speech 참고

설립 배경

MIT 중퇴
현재 26세..?

개인적 총평

Client 회사마다 전담 직원을 다 따로 둬야하고, 원하는 바가 굉장히 다를 것 같은데 어떻게 이걸 다 관리하는지 궁금..


Labelbox, Snorkel AI, CloudFacotry,, Datasaur, Sama, …


TransformX 2022 Keynote: Applying AI to Redefine Every Industry | Scale AI Product Announcements
Leading organizations across every industry also need to be technology leaders, and today that means leveraging AI. Organizations applying AI don't necessarily have AI expertise, but they are prepared to leverage AI as a strategic asset for their innovation and product strategies. Many of these companies are looking for established use cases to supercharge their products, operations, and business lines. This is where pre-trained models create an opportunity for organizations without the resources and expertise build their own AI. Alexandr Wang, Scale’s CEO and Founder outlines how Scale’s product investments are helping all types of organizations and teams apply and create their own AI. Wang shares how the latest advancements in AI allow next-generation models to be more versatile and attuned to specific business needs that weren’t possible before. He explains why foundation models are the most exciting advancement happening in AI, and how Scale can help advance foundation models, especially as it applies to tuning these models to make them useful for specific tasks and industries including insurance, defense, logistics and many others. Wang founded Scale while a 19-year-old student to help companies build long-term AI strategies with the right data and infrastructure. Under his leadership, Scale has grown to be valued as a $7 billion company serving hundreds of customers across industries from finance to e-commerce to U.S. government agencies.